
User Guide

Hello there! This is my user guide for Duke! Please follow the format given in the example, or else errors will be thrown!


Features summary

Feature Description Example
list To view all existing tasks in Duke list
deadline Add a new Deadline task to Duke deadline eat kiwis /by 2020-10-10 18:00
event Add a new Event task to Duke event team project /at 2020-10-09 09:00
todo Add a new To-Do task to Duke todo read book
done Complete the task at the given number done 2
delete Delete the task at the given number delete 3
find Find tasks in Duke that contains the keyword given find kiwi
bye Saves current list of tasks and exits Duke bye

Feature 1

View existing items

To view all the items that you currently have in Duke.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:


Feature 2

Create a Deadline task

Adds a Deadline task into Duke.

Example of usage:

If you want to add a deadline task for submitting individual project on 18th September 2020, by midnight:

deadline individual project /by 2020-09-18 23:59

Expected outcome:


Feature 3

Create an Event task

Adds a Event task into Duke.

Example of usage:

If you want to add an event task for attending a party on 20th September 2020, at 10pm:

event party at Zouk /at 2020-09-20 22:00

Expected outcome:


Feature 4

Create a To-Do task

Adds a To-Do task into Duke.

Example of usage:

If you want to add a To-Do task for doing your laundry.

todo laundry

Expected outcome:


Feature 5

Complete a Task

Mark a specific task in Duke as complete.

Example of usage:

If you want to complete your task to do your laundry, which is the 3rd task in Duke:

done 3

Expected outcome:


Feature 6

Remove a Task

Delete and remove a task from Duke.

Example of usage:

If you want to delete an unfinished task of doing your Individual Project, which is the 1st task in Duke.

delete 1

Expected outcome:


Feature 7

Finding tasks

Type in a keyword into this command to find a certain task that matches what you are looking for.

Example of usage:

If you want to find tasks about CS2103T:

find CS2103T

Expected outcome:


Feature 8

Exit Duke

To save your current lists of tasks and exit Duke. This will close the Duke GUI.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:
